
基于PSB的新型励磁控制器的研究 被引量:1

Research on New Excitation Controller Based on PSB
摘要 介绍了将迭代学习控制理论应用于同步发电机励磁控制中,通过迭代学习改善控制性能,具有结构简单,鲁棒性强的特点,改善了机端电压的品质。采用Simulink/PSB在单机-无穷大系统中进行了静态和暂态稳定的仿真研究,结果表明,该励磁控制方式的有效性,有利于提高电力系统的稳定性。 Iterative learning control theory is applied to the excitation control of synchronous machine. Performances of the controller are improved by iterative learning, with simple configuration and strong robustness. Static and transient stability in single-machine to infinite system are simulated with Simulink/PSB. Validity of the excitation controller is showed by the results, which is favorable for improving power system stability.
作者 徐敏 林辉
出处 《测控技术》 CSCD 2006年第4期48-51,共4页 Measurement & Control Technology
基金 航空基金资助项目(04F53036)
关键词 迭代学习控制 同步发电机 励磁控制 稳定性 iterative learning control synchronous machine excitation control stability
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