基于以太网的无源光网络(EPON)作为一种新兴的接入技术,需要网络设计者提供电信级(Carrier-c lass)的管理能力,而单纯的简单网络管理协议(SNMP)已经不能胜任其运营管理维护(OAM)的要求,正是由于上述原因,IEEE802.3 ah工作组在新标准中专门规定了EPON系统的OAM协议。文章提出了基于802.3 ah OAM协议和SNMP的EPON系统管理机制,并描述了EPON系统OAM的功能、特点以及在L inux操作系统下的该网络管理机制的软件实现方案。
As an emerging network access technology, the EPON system needs a carrier-class management capability, which is to be provided by network designers by combining SNMP and OAM protocols as the required OAM capability cannot be acquired only by the SNMP protocol. That is why OAM protocols for the EPON system have been standardized in 802.3ah. In this paper, the EPON system management mechanism, which combines SNMP and 802.3ah OAM protocol is discussed and the functions and features of EPON OAM and its software implementation in Linux described.
Study on Optical Communications