目的评价B io-oss骨粉在根尖吸收、根尖区溢脓患牙病例的根管充填中应用的效果。方法选取80例根尖吸收、根尖区溢脓的患牙,根管预备后拍X线片,分别用传统根管填材料以及用B io-oss骨粉糊剂进行根管充填,观察其疗效,随访。结果应用B io-oss骨粉糊剂作为根管充填材料的患者X线片示根尖有新生骨样组织生长,根尖区阴影减少,临床症状消失;传统材料充填的患者X线片示根尖区阴影无明显改变,治疗后复发率高。结论B io-oss骨粉在根尖吸收、根尖区溢脓患牙病例根管充填中应用,可取得较好的临床效果。
Objective To evaluate the effects of Bio-oss powder in root-end absorption and end infectious tooth treatment. Methods To select 80 patients with end infectious teeth, keep the X-ray photo as record. The infectious teeth are filled by traditional root canal filling mater/al and Bio-oss powder paste. The results are written down and compared. Results The patients with Bio-oss powder filling material show good growth of new bone-like tissue according to X-ray photo, the clinical symptom disappears. The patients with traditional material filling shows no obvious changes in the root-end according to the Xray photo, with high rate of recurrence. Conclusion Bio-oss powder can be used for treating patients in root-end absorption and root-end infectious teeth. It has good clinical effects.
Guangzhou Medical Journal