
从制度绩效看我国高等学校助学贷款制度的选择和创新 被引量:2

Choices and Innovations of the Assisting Loan Program for the Students in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Institution Effect
摘要 制度是规范和约束人们行为的规则。不同的社会和组织从不同的目的和要求出发,可以形成不同的制度形态。不同的制度演进和变迁有着相同的规律。高等学校助学贷款制度作为一种正式的制度来安排也应遵循制度本身发展和演进的规律。我国当前的高等学校助学贷款制度的安排和实施虽然取得了一定的成效,但是存在着绩效低、成本大、制度设计方案有缺陷等问题。我国高等学校助学贷款制度创新和选择的路径是:在价值取向上,要公平与效率兼顾;在变迁过程中,要高度重视社会文化心理在制度创新中的作用;进一步完善制度方案的设计;克服路径依赖,寻找新的突破口,以期实现制度的最佳绩效。 Institution is the law to standardize and restrain people's behavior, Different societies and organizations proceed from different purposes and requirements, so there may be different institution forms. But the same operating law exists in their different evolution and changes, The loan program for the students in colleges and universities also follow the rule of the development and evolution of law itself. It is held that although certain achievements have been made through the arrangement and application of this program, it is low in efficiency, and high in cost. Problems still exist in the institution design. The approaches of choices and innovation are proposed here: to give the same consideration to both equality and efficiency on the value orientation; to attach great importance to social-cultural psychology in institution innovation; to overcome the problem of approach-dependence and to find a new break-through to achieve the best institution effect to perfect the design of institution plan.
作者 尹洪斌
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2006年第2期118-124,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 高等学校 助学贷款 制度创新 colleges and universities assisting loan program institution innovation
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