The banding patterns of HMWgs, LMWgs and HMW gliadins of 141 common wheat cultivars (lines) were analyzed using two-step SDS-PAGE and a modified A-PAGE, respectively checked out according to the 20 standard cultivars' patterns. 27 HWMgs band patterns were encoded by Glu-1 locus, all positive effect subunits such as ( 1,7 + 8, 5+10),(1,14+15,5+10),(1,13+16,5+10),(1,17+18,5+10),(2^* ,7+8,5+10),(2^* ,13+16,5+10) were about 13.4% in the 141 cultivars (lines) which were encoded by Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1. Over 48 LMWgs band patterns were encoded by Glu-3 locus, the pattern with the highest frequency was (a,j, c), more than 6 alleles were at Glu- A locus and 5.7 % of them were newly discovered, above 10 alleles were at Glu-B1 locus and 2.8 % of them were newly discovered,3 alleles were at Glu-D1 locus; 81 HMW gliadin band patterns were encoded by Gli-1 locus, more than 7 alleles were at Gli-A1 locus,and 7.1% of them were newly discovered, more than 12 alleles were at Gli-B1 locus,and 3.5% of them were newly discovered, 10 alleles were at Gli-D1 locus; 33.6% alleles encoded by Gli-B1 were 1B/1R translocation lines. So HMW gliadin alleleic variation encoded by Gli-1 and LMWgs alleleic variation encoded by Gtu-3 are much more complex and abundant than HMWgs alleleic variation, these results also showed that LMWgs, gliadins and these similar to HMWgs are seldom located on chromosome 1A. Moreover, the A-PAGE patterns or SDS-PAGE patterns are possibly different even if their HMWgs, LMWgs and HMW gliadin compositions are the same, in other words, their LMW gliadins compositions may be different.
Acta Agronomica Sinica