
整合产品服务系统——实现循环经济的新途径 被引量:2

Integrated Product Service System: New Ways of Developing Cycling Economy
摘要 整合产品服务系统(IPSS)是一种社会组织创新战略,通过将目前仅生产和销售有形产品的相互分离的工业生产与服务体系有机地整合,以比传统生产和消费模式更低的环境代价,有效满足顾客需求。作为对传统商业模式的革命性变革,整合产品服务系统是促进可持续发展和循环经济的有效手段和必由之路。本文讨论其产生的背景,给出其定义和理论框架,介绍其发展历程,以便为我国发展循环经济提供借鉴。 Sustainable development means ecological environmental improvement meanwhile a economic boost and living level promotion of the people.Integrated product service system (IPSS)can be defined as a innovation strategy of social organlzations,shifting the business focus from producting and selling physical products only to selling a system of products and services which are capable of fulfilling specific customer demands with lower environmenmtaI impacts than traditional business models. This paper discusses the backgounds of IPSS,and gives its definition and theory framework so as to provide guidelings for the development of china cycling economy.
作者 薛跃 许长新
机构地区 河海大学商学院
出处 《价值工程》 2006年第4期1-4,共4页 Value Engineering
关键词 可持续发展 整合产品服务系统(IPSS) 循环经济 sustainable development integrated product service system (IPSS) cycling economy
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