

Tissue culture of Fujian soybean cultivar
摘要 利用福建大豆主栽品种的子叶节为外植体,进行组织培养再生研究,探讨不同品种、不同激素和除草剂不同浓度的诱导效果。结果表明不同大豆品种诱导分化能力差别较大,供试品种中“莆豆8008”的诱导能力较强,丛生芽诱导率和平均丛生芽数分别为94.2%和2.69。不同激素种类和浓度对大豆子叶节丛生芽诱导,表明6-BA较适合于丛生芽的诱导,适宜浓度为1.67mg/L。大豆子叶节不定芽分化和伸长的除草剂Glufosinate梯度实验表明除草剂Glufosinate5mg/L可作为不定芽分化和伸长的选择压力,生根培养基上不宜加除草剂Glufosinate。 The regeneration of cotyledon node explants was studied in several rarities of soybean(Glycine. Max. L). Among soybean cultivar suppled, pudou number 8 has comparatively frequency of mltiple shoots initiation with 94.1%. The regeneration of cotyledon node explants was studied in pudou number 8 with different plant hormane and different concentration. The result indicates 6- BA1.67mg/L is the best. Soybean cotylendon node was initiated on shoot initiation medium and shoot elongation medium with different concentration of glufonsinate.The result indicates glufonsinate at 5 mg/ L concentration suppressed the shoot initiation and shoot elongation.
出处 《闽西职业技术学院学报》 2006年第1期117-119,共3页 Journal of Minxi Vocational and Technical College
关键词 大豆 子叶节 组织培养 激素 GLUFOSINATE soybean(Glycine, max. L) cotyledon node tissue culture plant hormane Glufosinate
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