目的 探讨急性髓性白血病在经过混合造血干细胞移植(mixed-HSCT)后。应用供体淋巴细胞输洼(DL1)+白介素-2(IL-2)作为后续免疫生物治疗措施的意义。方法 8例急性髓性白血病患者在完全缓解期实施了Mixed-HSCT,于造血恢复后,给予DLI+IL-2治疗2~7次,并随访观察临床疗效。结果 所有患者均获得造血重建且无移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)发生。经过1~5年观察,8例患者Mixed-HSCT后应用DLI+IL-2治疗的患者长期生存率为62.5%。结论 Mixed-HSCT后应用DLI+IL-2。可能是有效提高长期生存率的免疫生物治疗措施之一。
Objective To approach curative effect of using DLI + IL- 2 as immuno- blotherapy after Mixed - HSCT in acute myelogenous leukemia. Method After times of chemotherapy, 8 cases of patients with acute myelogenous leukemia received Mixed- HSCT, then were treated with DLI + IL - 2 for 2 - 7 times. Observed clinical effect for 1 to 5 years. Result DFS in 8 cases of patients with acute mydogenous leukemia received Mixed - HSCT and treated with DLI + IL- 2 for 2 - 7 times were 62.5 %. There were no GVt-ID. Conclusion lmmuno- biotherapy with DLI + IL- 2 after Mixed - HSCT in patients of acute myelogenous leukemia may be a method to increase DFS efficiently.
Chinese Journal of Postgraduates of Medicine