目的 探讨结肠J型贮袋在低位直肠癌手术中的应用。方法 对我科2001年~2004年实施的直肠癌结肠J型贮袋肛管(直肠)吻合术32例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 全组无术中意外损伤及大出血病例。无死亡病例。发生吻合口狭窄1例。无吻合口漏及便秘。病人术后1年内排便状况满意。结论 低位直肠癌行结肠J型贮袋肛管(直肠)吻合术具有操作方便、易于观察、容易推广等特点,有明显改善排便功能的作用,可显著提高病人术后的生活质量。
Objective To evaluate J-pouch coloanal anastomosis after low anterior resection tor the low rectal carcinoma. Methods After TME in 32 cases of lower rectal carcinoma,a 6cm colonic Jpurch was made followed by colo-rectal(anal) anastomoses, while the rectal remnant no more than 5cm. Results There was no perioperative mortality. All these patients were operated successfully without massive haemorrhage and unexpected trauma. Anastomotic stenosis developed in 1 case. No anastomotic leakage and constipation developed in all these cases. During a follow-up of one year, defecation function was satisfactory. Conclusion J-pouch coloanal anastomosis after low anterior resection for the low rectal carcinoma is safe and convenient for lower rectal cancer. It significantly improves the defecation function after operation
Journal of Abdominal Surgery