目的探讨介入治疗股动脉穿刺后患者早期床上活动安全性及对机体恢复的影响。方法将140例患者随机分为2组,即实验组70例,术后6 h即开始床上活动(床上翻身、屈膝、屈髋、床上坐起等动作);对照组70例,术后24 h开始活动。比较2组患者术后穿刺点出血及血肿发生率、腰背酸痛情况、术肢麻木情况、排尿情况、饮食情况。结果2组出现穿刺点出血及血肿的情况无明显差别,实验组腰背酸痛、术肢麻木发生率明显低于对照组,排尿时间早于对照组,食欲恢复情况较对照组好(经t检验,P<0.05)。结论经股动脉穿刺介入治疗后,患者早期床上活动是安全的,可促进胃肠功能的恢复,减轻腹胀,增进食欲,减少腰背麻痹、术肢麻木,增加机体抵抗力,防止并发症的发生。
Objective To explore the safety of femoral injection in interventional therapy and its influence on patients' early activities in bed and recovery. Methods 140 patients with arteriopuncture were randomly divided into two groups: testing group and control group. Patients in testing group(n= 70) began activities in bed at 6 hours after interventional therapy. The activities in bed included turning the body over,' genuflexing, hip--flexatlon and sitting up. Patients in control group(n= 70) began the activities at 24 hours after interventional therapy. The indexes such as the incidence of local hemorrhage and hematoma, back pain, anesthesia in affected limb, urination, dietary situation of two groups were comparatively analyzed. Results There was no significant difference in incidence of local hemorrhage and hematoma between two groups. However, the incidences of back pain and anesthesia in affected limb of patients in testing group were lower than those of patients in control group, and the time of first urination after operation of patients in testing group were earlier than that of patients in control group, and patients in testing group restored appetite quickly than those in control group (by t test, P 〈 0.05). Conclusions Early activities in bed after interventional therapy is safety and has many benefits such as promoting the recovery of stomach and intestinal function, easing abdominal distention, promoting appetite, easing back pain and anesthesia in affected limb, strengthen body immunity , preventing complica tions.
Modern Nursing
Interventional therapy