
游蛇和沙蜥肺微血管铸型的比较观察 被引量:1

Compare Observation on the Microvascular Casts of the Lungs of Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis and Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch
摘要 The microvasculatures of the lungs of the Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis and the Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch are studied by scanning electron microscopy using corrosion casts.The pulmonary microvascular anatomy is distinctly different in these two species.There were many reticular,secondary and third septa and alveolar septa on the inner surface of the lung wall of the Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis,which separated the inner surface of the lung wall into a lot of sac room,small room,subordinate small rooms and pulmonary alveoli.There were only reticular and secondary septa and alveolar septa on the inner surfaces of the lung walls of the Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch,so that the inner surface of the lung wall were separated into many small rooms,subordinate small rooms and pulmonary alveoli.The reticular septa on the inner surface of the lung wall were obviously sparse in the Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch than in the Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis.There were plenty of capillaries in every kind of septa and walls of the pulmonary alveoli of the animals,which anastomosed with each other to form a single layer of dense network.The diameters of the alveolar capillaries in the Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis, Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch were 7.5~13μm,6.5~(12.5μm)and the diameters of their mesh were 5~42μm,6~25μm respectively.In addition,the relationship among the microvasculature of the animals’ lung and respiratory efficiency were also discussed. The microvasculatures of the lungs of the Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis and the Phryaocephalus frontalis Strauch are studied by scanning electron microscopy using corrosion casts. The pulmonary rnicrovescular anatomy is distinctly different in these two species. There were many reticular, secondary and third septa and alveolar septa on the inner surface of the lung wall of the Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis, which separated the inner surface of the lung wall into a lot of sac room, small room, subordinate small rooms and pulmonary alveoli. There were only reticular and secondary septa and alveolar septa on the inner surfaces of the lung walls of the Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch, so that the inner surface of the lung wall were separated into many small rooms, subordinate small rooms and pulmonary alveoli. The retioli_~r septa on the inner surface of the lung wall were obviously sparse in the Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch than in the Rhabdoph/s tigrina lat- eralis. There were plenty of capillaries in every kind of septa and walls of the pulmonary alveoli of the animals, which anastomosed with each other to form a single layer of dense network. The diameters of the alveolar cap- illaries in the Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis, Phrynocephalus frontalis Strauch were 7.5 - 13μm, 6.5 12.5pynand the diameters of their mesh were 5-42μm, 6-25μm respectively. In addition, the relationship among the mierovasculature of the animals' lung and respiratory efficiency were also discussed.
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期465-467,共3页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(No:30370163) 甘肃省自然科学基金(No:ZSO31-A25-005-Z)
关键词 虎斑游蛇 血管铸型 沙蜥 比较观察 微血管构筑 扫描电镜观察 毛细血管 解剖学研究 Smith lung mierovaseulature corrosion east respiratory efficiency.
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