Anhui Province used to be one of heavy filariasis-endemic areas in China.According to investigation of late 1950's,the average microfilaria rate(MFR) was 12.0% in the province.There were 3.6 million microfilaremia cases calculated.All of the 82 counties or cities in Anhui had different filariasis prevalent levels,of which 18 counties or cities were only endemic with B. malayi,31 counties or cities were only endemic with W.bancrofti areas,33 counties or cities were mixed endemic areas. The major vectors bancroftian of filariasis were Cx. pipiens pallens, Cx. quinquefasciatus and A.anthropophagus.The major vectors of malayian filariasis were An. sinensis and An. anthropophagus. As a result of active implementation of filariasis control measures for more than 40 years,especially since 1987,on the basis of single selective examination,the scheme, i.e.different doses of DEC-medicated salt and different treatment courses were used in different MFR areas. Rationed DEC-medicated salt was sent door to door taking township as a unit,which has improved the quality of filariasis control,accelerated the course of basic elimination of filariasis. The MFR were 0 and 0.45% respectively in Huangshan district in Huangshan City and Suixi County. The province had reached the criteria of basical elimination of filariasis ascertained by a re-examination group organized by the Ministry of Public Health in 1994.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control
Filariasis, Cx. pipiens pallens, Cx. quinquefascitus, An. sinensis, An.anthropophagus,DEC