目的研究不同类型炎症中C反应蛋白(CRP)含量与1059G/C基因型差异及其意义。方法采用免疫比浊法检测感染性炎症与自身免疫性炎症两组患者(各110例)及对照组(80例)患者血清高敏CRP含量,聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态法检测各组CRP1059G/C基因型。计量资料经对数转换(LN)后以t或t’检验。结果感染性炎症者CRP值为(2.576±0.31)LN mg/L,升高持续时间平均为9.92 d,6 h内呈高值者21例(19.09%),48 h内呈高值者100例(90.91%);自身免疫性炎症者CRP值为(3.293±0.24)LN mg/L,升高持续时间平均为19.92 d,6 h内达高值者11例(10.00%),48 h内达高值者83例(75.45%);两组CRP值、CRP升高持续时间及呈高值时间比较,差异均有显著性(P<0.01)。两组炎症患者CRP 1059G/C基因型表现为GG,GC,CC三型,基因型和等位基因分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,与对照组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。GG基因型者CRP水平显著高于GC与CC型者(P<0.01)。结论自身免疫性炎症CRP升高水平及持续时间均高于感染性炎症,CRP 1059G/C基因型与等位基因分布无差异。不同基因型者CRP升高水平不同,GG型高于GC与CC型。
Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of different level and gene 1059G/C polymorphism of plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) in different types of inflammatory diseases. Methods Serum hypersensitive CRP level in 110 patients with infective inflammation , 110 patients with autoimmune inflammation and 80 controls were measured by immunoturbidimetric assay, CRP 1059G/C genotypes in three groups were measured by PCR-RFLP. Results CRP value in infective inflammation patients were (2. 576 ± 0.31) LNmg/L, the average rising time were 9.92 days, 21 (19.09%) patients' CRP reached the highest level within 6 hours, 100 (90.91%) patients' CRP reached the highest level within 48 hours; CRP value in autoimmune inflanmlation patients were (3.293± 0.24) LNmR/L, the average rising time were 19.92 days, 11 (10.00%) patients' CRP reached the highest level within 6 hours, 83 (75.45%) patients' CRP reached the highest level within 48 hours; there were significant difference in the CRP value, average rising time and duration of reaching the highest level between two groups ( P 〈 0.01). There were three genotypes (GG, GC, CA2) of CRP 1059G/C, the distribution of genotypes and allele were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg balance, there was no significant difference compared with the control group ( P 〉0.05). CRP in patients with GG genotype was obviously higher than that in patients with GC or CC genotypes ( P 〈0.01). Conclusion The plasma CRP level and duration of rising in autoimmune inflammation patients were higher and longer than that in infective inflammation patients, there were no difference in distribution of CRP1059G/C genotype and allele, there was difference in the level of CRP among patients with different genotypes, CRP level was higher in patients with GG genotype than those with GC or CC genotype.
Chinese Journal of Infection Control
C reactive protein