使用一定浓度甲胺磷农药喷洒小白菜后,测定7 d中其可溶性蛋白质及抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT、和蛋白酶M g2+-ATPase、C a2+-ATPase)的含量变化.结果表明,喷药后可溶性蛋白质在第2~4天含量比对照组减小,随后呈上升趋势;SOD和CAT在第2~6天均高于对照;而M g2+-ATPase、C a2+-ATPase第1~4天与对照相差不大,第5、6天略高于对照;第7天各物质都基本还原到与对照接近或持平.说明有机磷农药喷洒后致使植物体内产生了大量氧自由基,进而诱导细胞内防御活性氧自由基毒害的物质产生.
In this paper, the content of soluble proteins and the activity of SOD,CAT, Mg^2+-ATPase, Ca^2+-ATPase in Vegetable were detected from 0-7days since sprayed 75 g/hectare organophosphates pesticide. The results indicated that the content of soluble proteins in controls were less than the samples from 2~4days; CAT and SOD was increased in comparison with the controls, whereas, the activity of Mg^2+-ATPase and Ca^2+-ATPase had no significant difference between the samples and the controls. In 5,6 days the activity of all enzymes along with soluble proteins turned a little higher than that of the controls. Finally, it revived to the level of the controls in the 7 days. The result was due to vegetable withstanding organophosphates pesticide strongly. Agrochemicals sabotaged some free radical of oxygen, weakened the activities of enzymes, and made some affects to vegetables. It was also shown that the content of soluble proteins and the activities of SOD and CAT could be used as biomarkers to detect the pollution degree of pesticides on vegetables.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences