City Ranking by GDP (Year 2004)
City Ranking by GDP (Year 2004)
1City Ranking by Investment Climate[J].China International Business,2006(B04):91-91.
2China's Major Social and Economic IndicatorsRanking among Top Ten in the World[J].World Economy & China,1998,6(5):11-12.
3Socioeconomic Development In Sichuan[J].China Population Today,1997,14(5):9-9.
4China's International Competitiveness Ranking World 31st[J].China's Foreign Trade,2004(13):9-9.
5China Among the Thirsty Thirteen[J].Women of China,2000(9).
6LAN XINZHEN.Contributing to the World[J].Beijing Review,2010,53(52):2-2.
7Switzerland Replaces United States at Top of Competitiveness Rankings[J].China Textile,2009(10):18-19.
8HuAngang.China: Green Development and Green GDP[J].Science Foundation in China,2005,13(1):31-35.
9Country Snapshot[J].China International Business,2005(B03):6-7.
10Bai Shi.Behind the Scenes[J].Beijing Review,2013,56(52):44-45.