
中小企业领导愿景的结构和内容 被引量:2

The Structure and Content of SME's Vision
摘要 中小企业的可持续发展取决于领导者是否能提出战略性愿景,研究发现,中小企业领导愿景主要包括“机会获取、管理推动、风险承担和前瞻适应”四个维度,并可通过“目标挑战性”和“未来期望性”两个指标评价其有效性。领导愿景的关注焦点以内部为主;其内容多与竞争成长有关。研究还发现,目前多数中小企业处在“机会寻求”等愿景管理的初级阶段。 The small and medium enterprise (SME)'s sustainable development is relying more on the leader's vision. This paper found that the leader's vision consisting of four dimensions: opportunity obtaining, managing promotion, risky taking and future orientation. The validity of the vision could beevaluated through "goal challenge and future expectation". Meanwhile, the focus of the vision is more the inner than the outer; more competitive than other topics. Currently, many companies vision management just stays in the fairly lower level: opportunity seeking.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 2006年第2期70-73,共4页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(70232010)
关键词 愿景结构 焦点和内容 效能评价 structure of the vision focus and content validity evaluation
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