
Ad Hoc网络中的路由技术 被引量:1

An Overview of Routing Technology in Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 作为下一代网络的重要组成部分,AdHoc网是目前的一个重要研究热点。根据AdHoc网络的特点,总结了AdHoc网中的路由技术。从路由查找和维护的角度分析和归纳了网络中关于单播路由、组播路由和QoS路由等的技术特点,指出了不同协议及算法的设计思路和解决策略,为寻求和设计更为高效的适合自组网特点的新型路由技术奠定基础。 Ad Hoc network is a topic of recent interest because it can act as one component composes the next generation network. The routing technology in Ad Hoe networking is summarized based on its characteristic. Unicast routing, multicast routing and QoS ( Quality of Service) routing are analyzed and summarized in accordance with discovery and maintainable mechanism of Ad Hoc network route construction. Its technique fundamental and resolvable policy are also discussed. The discussion will be helpful to further research in designing new routing technologies in Ad Hoe networks.
出处 《电讯技术》 2006年第2期14-20,共7页 Telecommunication Engineering
关键词 自组网 路由协议 组播 服务质量 Ad Hoc network routing protocol multicast quality of service
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