

Overweight influence on ambulatory blood pressure in adolescents
摘要 【目的】探讨超重[体质指数(body mass index,BMI)≥24]对青少年动态血压(ambulatory blood pressure,ABP)的影响。【方法】应用TM-2421 ABP监测仪(A&D,日本)记录24 h ABP,252例青少年按年龄、性别、身高配比原则分为两组(每组女49例,男77例):对照组平均(13.68±1.21)岁,身高(165.37±9.45)cm,BMI(18.82±2.3);超重组(13.71±1.23)岁,身高(165.75±9.47)cm,BMI(27.70±3.1)。ABP数据录入数据库并采用余弦法和常规统计方法分析处理ABP数据。【结果】青少年ABP昼夜变化呈勺形,大多数儿童有明显的ABP近日节律性。超重组的ABP节律性参数(调整中值、峰值、谷值、振幅等)和多数ABP参数(SBP、DBP、PP、MAP均值,BP变异性,BP负荷和心率血压乘积等)均较对照组有显著性升高。【结论】超重对青少年ABP有明显影响作用。 [Objectives] To investigate the influence of overweight on circadian variations of ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in Chinese adolescents. [Methods] 24-hr ABP monitoring was performed by TM-2421 ABP Monitors (A&D, Japan) in 252 adolescents divided into two groups (49 girls and 77 boys in each group) with equivalent sex, age,and body height: control (normal weight) were aged (13.68±1.21) years, height (165. 37±9.45) cm, body mass index (BMI) (18. 82±2.3);overweight (BMI≥24) wei'e aged (13.71±1.23) years, height (165.75±9.47) cm, BMI (27.70 ±3.1). ABP recordings were treated by ABP database system and analyzed by eosinor method and conventional statistics methods. [Results] The circadian variations of ABP in most of adolescent were patterned as "dipper" in both groups. Rhythm parameters: the midline estimate statistic of rhythm(MESOR), peak, trough, and amplitude values in overweight were significantly higher than that in control group. Significant higher values (P〈0. 01) were seen in overweight group for most of ABP parameters, such as, BP means (SBP, DBP, MAP. mean arterial pressure, or PP. pulse pressure), BP variability, BP loads and rate-pressure product (HRX SBP).
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2006年第2期135-137,共3页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
关键词 超重 青少年 动态血压 Overweight influenced significantly on ABP in adolescents. Key words: overweight adolescents ambulatory blood pressure
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