
扩张皮肤全耳廓再造后挤压塑形的心得体会 被引量:6

Total reconstruction of the auricle:A new methed for sculpturing the reconstructed auricle
摘要 采用人工骨水泥和石膏纱布两种材料为13例扩张皮肤法全耳再造术后立即进行挤压固定,维持新耳廓形态。挤压固定维持3~4周,这种方法使用简便,安全可靠,对于维持新耳廓的形态和防止术后皮肤收缩引起的耳廓形态改变具有较好的作用。 cases of reconstructed auricle by skin expansion were sculptured by bone cement or plaster bandage. Just after the operation,bone cement or plaster was covered on the reestablished ear and so as sculptured to keep its shape. The bone or plaster splint can be hold for 3 or 4 weeks.This method is an easy,safe and effective one for keeping the shape of“new”ear and preventing the expanded skin from constricting.The author describes the way of doing it.
出处 《实用美容整形外科杂志》 1996年第2期72-75,共4页 Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 耳廓再造 挤压塑形 扩张皮肤 Auricle reconstruction,Sculptur
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