
一种适用于光突发交换的区分型资源预留机制 被引量:2

A Differentiated Resource Reservation Mechanism for Optical Burst Switching
摘要 将边缘结点突发汇聚算法与核心结点资源预留机制有机结合,提出了一种适用于光突发交换的区分型资源预留机制·引入“突发流”的概念,在边缘结点采用基于线性预测的突发汇聚算法将输入IP分组汇聚为单个突发或突发流;在核心结点引入“搭载请求”的思想,对单个突发和突发流采用不同的资源预留方案·仿真结果表明区分型资源预留机制可以明显改善光突发交换网络的丢失性能· A differentiated resource reservation (DRR) mechanism for optical burst switching (OBS), in which the burst assembly algorithm is combined with the resource reservation scheme, is proposed. Introducing the idea of "burst flow" and "piggyback request" respectively, a linear prediction-based assembly algorithm is used in the edge node to create a burst or burst flow, and different resource reservation manner are presented for per burst and burst flow in the core node. Simulation results show that the packet loss performance of OBS can be significantly improved.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期583-586,共4页 Acta Photonica Sinica
关键词 光突发交换 资源预留 汇聚 Optical burst switching Resource reservation Assembly
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