研究了一种基于神经网络的心电图分类方法,该方法利用前向多层神经网络的反向传播算法(Back Propagation),即BP算法,采用MATLAB软件建立用于三分类的BP神经网络,并利用大量的心电图数据训练神经网络,使神经网络对未训练过的心电图有较好的分类能力。实验结果表明,用这种方法用于心电图的三分类取得较好的效果。
A method of ECG classification based on neural network was reported. In this method, A BP neural network was built with Matlab and ECG data, which were used to train the neural network , and then the neural network could correctly classify the dada in ECG without training, The experimental results show that it was a efficient way for ECG classification.
Journal of Lishui University