Louis Zukofsky is the most formally radical poet to emerge among the second-wave in the wake of such first-generation innovators as Ezra Pound, T. S Eliot, Wallace Stevens, James Joyce, William Carlos these older poets was an important source for Zukofsky Williams, and Gertrude , whose response to his Stein. Each one of modemist predecessors was precise and comprehensive. In place of a sometimes overwhelming monumentalism of "the" great poem, Zukofsky emphasized the need for "a" series of poems. He rejected the major keys for minor chords, universals for particulars, the grandiose for discreteness. In the process, he created a ravishing, yet sometimes forbidding, body of work notable for its intricacy of detail as well as for its resistance to sweeping pronouncements and vague generalizations. Zukofsky' s poetry is both emotional and accessible, but it demands much of its readers because of its refusal to separate intellect from feeling, or complexity from clarity. Editing the " Objectivists' 1931" issue of Poetry was a turning point for Zukofsky, firmly establishing his "objectivist" aesthetic in both his lead essay and his selection of poets, including several who, along with Lorine Niedecker whom he met a few years later, would become his most significant companions-in-poetry: George Oppen, Charles Reznikoff, and the British poet Basil Bunting.
Foreign Literature Studies