淮南矿业集团望峰岗矿井建设项目部35 kV临时变电所,安装高压无功补偿装置的目的是为了提高供电电压质量,同时提高电网的功率因数;该装置特点是智能化,补偿电容的投切分组自动进行,不需要像以往人工判别功率因数情况下,值班人员反复操作,无法确保投切的准确性;在电网管理中电压合格率是最关键因素,电压优先的原则,既在确保电压质量的前提下,按电压要求投切电容。
The installation of the high tension reactive compensation equipment in the 35KV temporary substation in the Project Office of Wang Fenggang Mine Construction, Huainan Coal & Mine Group, is used to improve the voltage quality of power supply, and also to improve the power factor of electric network. The specialties of this equipment are brainpower and automatization. The equipment thoroughly changed the former condition which was that people who were on duty needed to operate repeatedly in order to distinguish the power factor by manual work, but still the veracity of pitching and cutting was unable to be insured. The qualified rate of voltage is the most important key among the management of electric network. The principle of voltage first just means pitching and cutting capacitance according to voltage on the premise that the voltage quality should be insured.
Journal of Huainan Vocational Technical College
reactive compensation
intelligent control
voltage first