
吸脂术与成形术联合治疗臀股部松垂畸形 被引量:3

Combination thigh/buttock lift and liposuction for rectifying the trunk and thigh relaxation
摘要 目的探索一种在躯干下肢成形的分次手术中,应用吸脂术与成形术联合治疗臀、股上部松垂畸形的手术方法。方法2003年9月至2004年10月,对9例臀、股上部松垂畸形的患者行吸脂术与成形术联合治疗。臀、股部成形术的手术切口自臀皱襞开始向内沿股根部,越过股三角后向外到达髂腰部。切除松弛的皮肤后,用肿胀吸脂法去除股上部及臀部异常堆积的脂肪。浅筋膜层用永久性缝线(丝线或尼龙线)缝合。结果随访9例患者4~12个月,其中1例患者局部血清肿,3例患者股部有淤血表现,未出现其他并发症。手术效果均满意。结论本手术方法切口隐蔽,可同时矫正臀部和股上部的脂肪堆积及松垂畸形。与传统的腹壁成形术联合、分次使用,可安全有效地完成腹部、臀和股上部的美容外科成形术。 Objective To investigate the ideal surgical methods in lower body lift by combing the liposuction and tight/buttock lift. Methods From September 2003 to October 2004, 9 patients suffering from the trunk and tight relaxation underwent the liposuction combining the tight/buttock lift. Incision begins from the subgluteal plica, along the root of the thigh to the femoral triangle, and then goes lateraUy to anterior superior iliac spine and the waist. After rectifying the relaxed skin, liposuction are performed for the thighs and buttocks using tumescent techniques. Next, nylon sutures are placed into the superficial fascial system. Results Nine cases treated with the above - mentioned method were followed up for 4 -- 12 months. All achieved satisfactory results. Of them, 1 patient had seroma and 3 patients had local pelioma. Conclusion the above - mentioned method with concealed incision can lift relaxed buttock and thigh tissues. Conclusion This method with 3 - months- ago performing traditional abdomenplasty, the abdomen and lower body lift can be corrected effectively and safely.
出处 《中国实用美容整形外科杂志》 2006年第2期102-104,共3页
关键词 臀股部成形术 吸脂术 臀股部松垂 Rectification of buttocks and thigh Liposuction Thigh / buttock lift
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