

Investigation of Adding Instant Audio Messages to Mobile Games
摘要 目前,随着无线网络的发展和多媒体技术的广泛应用,手机移动用户期待对移动游戏进行改善和增加新的特性以获得更多的娱乐。在此情况下,本文调查和研究了为基于JAVA的移动游戏添加语音信息的可能性、基本理论和相关的背景知识,并设计了相应的实验。通过它们,得出如下结论:如果JAVA手机能支持M IDP2.0中的可选功能TCP/UDP通讯,实现这一新功能是有可能的。 Currently, with the wireless networks developing, multimedia technologies are in wide used, there exists high expectation in improving or adding new features to mobile games for providing more entertainment to handsets users. This paper investigated the adding instant audio messages to mobile games for Java - enabled handsets. The possibility,the theories and background knowledge of adding instant audio messaging service to mobile games were explored and specified. A related experiment was designed and made. Through the experiment, the following conclusion was made: completing the new function is possible if the Java - enabled handset can support TCP/UDP communication, which is still optional feature to MIDP2.0.
作者 陈轶 李春燕
出处 《江西科学》 2006年第2期173-177,共5页 Jiangxi Science
关键词 JAVA移动游戏 实时语音信息 MIDP 2.0 TCP/UDP通讯 Java mobile game, Instant audio messages, MIDP 2. 0, TCP/UDP communication
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