
再论21世纪企业新管理 被引量:2

Rethinking of New Management of 21st Enterprise
摘要 现代企业作为知识型企业,知识资源或者知识资产是其配置主体,这样,新管理就必定属于知识配置的范畴。新管理是与现代企业相适应,旨在实现快速知识创新目标,对现代企业具有隐性特征的知识资源进行有效智力整合的一种全新管理范式。从新管理的研究范式来看,其“内核”是“实现快速知识创新”,而其“保护带”则涉及“以人为本、合作创新、自我超越和永远领先”。 As a knowledge-based enterprise, knowledge resources or knowledge assets are modern enterprise's main allocation factors. Therefore, new management is bound to belong to the category of knowledge allocation. Aiming at rapid knowledge innovation, conformed to modern enterprise, new management is a brand new managerial pattern, which carries out effective intellectual integration of tacit knowledge resources of modern enterprise. From the viewpoint of research pattern, the core of new management is to realize rapid knowledge innovation, while its "protective belt" is related with the vision of "human-oriented, cooperative and innovative, self-surpass and ever-pioneering".
作者 芮明杰
出处 《上海财经大学学报》 CSSCI 2006年第2期41-48,共8页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
关键词 现代企业 知识资源 新管理 modern enterprise knowledge resources new management
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