
SSCP法mtDNA分型的法医学应用 被引量:1

The Application of PCR-SSCP in Forensic mtDNA Typing
摘要 目的探讨SSCP法mtDNA分型在法医鉴定实践中的意义。方法PCR扩增mtDNAHV-I和HV-II的序列多态性片段,直接用SSCP技术分型。对70个湖北汉族真三联家系和140例随机个体进行检测,比较家系中mtDNA的单倍型SSCP图谱。统计分析SSCP法用于两个高变区在母系确定、个人识别中的意义和鉴别能力。结果在70个家系中,母亲和孩子的HV-I、HV-IISSCP带型完全相同;家系中父亲与母子的HV-I图谱不同占98.57%;HV-IISSCP图谱不同占97.13%。140例随机个体的HVI、HVII区分别检出21、16种单倍型,GD值分别为0.9556、0.9356。结论mtDNA-SSCP分型在嫌疑人筛查和母系亲缘关系推断中有实际应用价值。 Objective To study the application of PCR-SSCP in forensic mtDNA typing. Methods Primers flanking the mtDNA HV-Ⅰ and HV-Ⅱ regions were designed. By PCR-SSCP techniques, 70 family trios and 140 unrelated Wuhan Han individuals were investigated and analyzed. Results In 70 family trios,the SSCP profiles in region HV-Ⅰ and HV-Ⅱ of children were not same to that of their fathers in 98.57% and 97.13% respectively but were identical with their mothers. In 140 unrelated Wuhan Han individuals, 21 haplotypes were found in HVⅠ, GD=0.9556; 16 haplotypes were found in HVⅡ, GD=0.9356. Conclusion PCR-SSCP technique may be useful in forensic mtDNA typing, especially for screening the suspects.
出处 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期117-119,共3页 Journal of Forensic Medicine
关键词 线粒体DNA 单链构象多态性 个人识别 母系家系 mtDNA single strand conformation polymorphisms individual identification maternal genealogy
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