

The Research of Distributed Computing Model Based on Mobile Agent
摘要 Mobile Agent技术是随着计算机技术及网络技术的发展普及而产生的分布式计算模型,它是为解决复杂的、动态的、分布式的智能型应用问题而提出的一种全新的计算手段,它的体系结构包括Mobile Agent(简称MA)和Mobile Agent ServiceEnvironment(简称MASE)两部分,计算模式有移动计算模式、协同计算模式和移动协同计算模式三种,在电信网络、电子商务及入侵检测等领域具有十分广泛的应用前景。 Mobile agent technology is a new means for distributed computing, which develops with the progress of computer hardware, software and the popularization of network technology. It provides a new measure to solve the complicated, dynamic and distributed intelligent application, and is also widely used in various fields. The paper is based on three sides: the architecture of mobile agent, the research of computing model, and apphcation fields.
作者 李娜
出处 《湖州职业技术学院学报》 2006年第1期88-91,共4页 Journal of Huzhou Vocational and Technological College
关键词 MOBILE AGENT 分布式计算模型 MOBILE AGENT SERVICE ENVIRONMENT mobile agent distributed and computing models mobile agent service environment
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