
充气飞行时间探测方法分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Gas-Filled Time-of-Flight Detection Method
摘要 本工作涉及充气飞行时间探测器的工作原理和实验测量结果。在不同能量(64、48和33MeV)下,利用充气飞行时间探测方法对同量异位素^36S和^36C1进行鉴别,并与用传统的AEE方法在相同能量下的鉴别结果进行比较。实验结果表明,在入射能量较高(E1〉40MeV)时,AE-E法的鉴别能力比充气飞行时间法的稍好些;在E1〈40MeV时,充气飞行时间法的鉴别能力比AE-E法的好,入射能量为20-40MeV时,充气飞行时间法能明显将^36S和^36Cl区分出来。 The paper concerns in the principle and the experimental results of gas-filled time-of-flight (GF-TOF) detector. 36C1 and 3sS particles were successfully separated in the TOF spectra from the GF TOF detector for the ion with the energy of 64, 48 and 33 MeV, respectively. The comparison of the separation power of isobars between the GF-TOF method and the ΔE-E method was carried out. The experimental results indicate that the separation power of the AE-E method is better than that of the GF TOF method at the energy larger than 40 MeV, and the GF-TOF method is better than the AEE method at the energy less than 40 MeV, especially at the energy range of 20T40 MeV.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期145-149,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10175094)
关键词 加速器质谱 充气飞行时间 时间分辨 同最异位素 粒子鉴别 accelerator mass spectrometry gas-filled time-of-flight time resolution isobar particle identification
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