采用入射免疫分析法测定了34例用不同治疗方法慢性肺心病患者治疗前后血浆内皮素—1的水平,其结果表明,经过10天的治疗,常规治疗组和开搏通治疗组血浆 ET—1水平均明显下降(P<0.01),并且以开搏通治疗组血浆 ET—1水平下降幅度大,和常规治疗组比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。提示:开搏通有明显降低慢性肺心病血浆 ET—1的作用,有可能成为治疗肺心病的一个新途径。
34 patients with chronic cor pulmonale were divided into two groups,or routine treatment group and captopril treatment group.Plasma endothelin levels of all the patients were determined before and after treatment in order to observe treatment,effect of captopril.The results demon- strated that.over ten days of treatment,plasma endothelin(ET-1)levels in both groups de- creased evidently(P<0.002.P<0.01),and mean while.the decreasing trend was more signifi- cant in captopril treatment group thanin routine treament group with significant difference be- tween two groups on(P<0.05),indicatin that captopril has a great effect reducing plasma en- dothelin level and might be a new drugfor treatment of patient with chronic cot pulmonale.