
基于空间统计学和GIS的农牧交错带土壤养分空间特征分析——以内蒙古翁牛特旗为例 被引量:24

Study on Spatial Feature of Soil Nutrients Based on Integration of Spatial Statistical Analysis and GIS in Farming-Pastoral Zone——A Case Study in Wengniute County,Inner Mongolia
摘要 土壤养分是土壤肥力的重要标志,是土地评价和管理的重要指标之一。通过空间统计分析和G IS分析了农牧交错带土壤养分的空间分布特征。结果表明,土壤有机质的M oran I系数对尺度响应敏感,随着尺度的增大,空间自相关性减少,而全氮、速效磷和速效钾的M oran I系数对空间的尺度响应不明显;土壤的有机质、全氮和速效磷在50 km的范围内表现出空间的正相关,而在60 km以外表现出空间的负相关;土壤表层速效钾变程最大(33 000 m),全氮次之(11 000 m),速效磷最小(3 000 m);土壤表层养分的变程与分维数呈明显的负相关关系;土壤表层有机质和速效钾的最佳拟合模型为指数模型,而全氮和速效磷的最佳拟合模型为球状模型。 Soil nutrients is one of the important signs and indicates of soil fertility, land evaluation and land management. In based on spatial statistical analysis and GIS in the farming-pastoral zone, the spatial features of soil nutrients were analyzed. Spatial autocorrelation showed that the Moran's I of soil organic matter is sensitive to the scale, but total nitrogen(TN), P and K is not sensitive to the scale. The space of organic matter, TN and P is positive at 0~60 km and negative out of 60 km. The effective range of K(33 000 m)was larger than TN(11000 m), and P(3000 m). The effective range of soil nutrients is negative to the fractal dimension, soil organic matter and K were fitted by exponential model, or spherical model was better for TN and P.
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期73-76,共4页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40435014 30340048) 国家基础研究重点发展规划项目(G2000018607)
关键词 空间统计学 农牧交错带 土壤养分 GIS spatial statistical analysis farm-pastoral zone soil nutrients GIS
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