In this article, the main factors which influence transmission efficiency of the SSRF electron beam trans- fer lines are described, including physical requirements for magnet system, vacuum system, beam diagnostic system, trajectory correction system, etc. The dynamic simulation calculation and transmission efficiency analysis of the SSRF electron beam transfer lines are presented, and the studies show that the design purpose of efficient beam transmission and injection will be achieved.
In this article, the main factors which influence transmission efficiency of the SSRF electron beam transfer lines are described, including physical requirements for magnet system, vacuum system, beam diagnostic system, trajectory correction system, etc. The dynamic simulation calculation and transmission efficiency analysis of the SSRF electron beam transfer lines are presented, and the studies show that the design purpose of efficient beam transmission and injection will be achieved.
Supported by National Important Scientific Project "Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility"
SSRF, Transfer line, Dynamic simulation, Transmission efficiency