在实际生产中,通过对大蒜浸泡液成分改变及温浸温度和温浸时间的研究,确立了无臭水晶大蒜温浸液循环生产工艺为:水∶蒜米为1.5∶1,柠檬酸含量为水质量的2.4%,硫代硫酸钠含量为水质量的0.5%,第1次循环液添加10%硫代硫酸钠或20%柠檬酸,第2次循环液中需在首次添加基础上再添加40%的硫代硫酸钠和40%柠檬酸,3次以上循环液使用时,需采用50 ̄60℃逐渐升温的方法浸泡。
The process of cychng use for smell-less crystal garlic immersed solution in practice was established by studying on composition and temperature of immersed solution, and time for immersing, it was: water : garlic 1.5 : 1, citric acid 2.4%, hyposulphite 0.5% for first immersion; for first cycling, 10% hyposulphite and 20% citric acid were added; for second cycling, 40% hyposulphite and 40% citric acid were added; for third and above cycling, method of temperature-raising gradually from 50℃ to 60℃ should be applied.
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