

Effects of Intravenous Diltiazem Following Percutaneous Coronary Artery Intervention
摘要 目的探讨静脉应用地尔硫(艹卓)(Diltiazem)在经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)后的作用。方法 200例急性心肌梗死和不稳定心绞痛择期行PCI患者分为2组,105例PCI术后立即给予持续静脉泵入地尔硫(艹卓)(1-1.5 ug/kg/min)72小时,95例未给予地尔硫(艹卓)泵入。分析两组一般临床特征及术后心血管事件发生率,用药前后心率、血压的变化和不良反应。术后5-7天作超声心动图检查, 对比左心室射血分数(LVEF),左心室舒张末期容积指数(EDVI),左心室收缩末期容积指数(ESVI) 以评价对心功能影响。结果两组在一般临床特征方面差异无显著性意义(P>0.05),应用地尔硫 (艹卓)组术后发生不稳定心绞痛较未应用地尔硫(艹卓)组明显降低(4.70%vs 18.94%,P<0.05),但对心功能无影响。结论 PCI术后静脉泵入地尔硫(艹卓)可安全、有效地减少术后因冠状动脉痉挛引起的胸痛。 Objective To evaluate the effect of intravenous (pumping) diltiazem following percutaneous coronary artery intervention(PCI) in patients with angina. Methods Two hundred paitents with acutemyocardial infarction in recovery phase or unstable angina pectoris were divided into dihiazem group( 105 cases)and non-diltiazem group (95 cases). The baseline characteristics, heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac events and adverse effects were analysed. Left ventricular ejection function (LVEF), left ventricular volumeindex of diastolic end ( EDVI), left ventricular volume index of shrink end ( ESVI ) were remeasured by twodimensional echocardiography during follow-up 5 -7days. Results Unstable angina pectoris decreased sig-nificantly in diltiazem group than in non-dihiazem group (4.70% vs 18.94%, P 〈0. 05). There was no adverse affect on heart function. Conclusions Intravenous (pumping) diltiazem is effective and safe to slowdown angina following PCI, especially caused by coronary artery convulsion.
出处 《中国分子心脏病学杂志》 CAS 2006年第1期20-23,共4页 Molecular Cardiology of China
关键词 地尔硫 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 不稳定心绞痛 急性心肌梗塞 Diltiazem Percutaneous coronary artery intervention Unstable angina pectoris Acute myocardial infarction
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