To determine the co-localization of immunoreactivity for purinergic receptor ( P2X2 , P2X3 subunits), calretinin and isolectin B4 (IB4) in sensory neurons of the rat glossopharyngeal and vagal sensory ganglia, triple fluorescent histochemistry combined with laser scanning confocal microscope techniques were used. The results showed that most of P2X2 and P2X3 immunoreactive sensory neurons and fibers were observed in the sensory ganglia. The expression of P2X2 receptor was fouod in large-, middle- and small-sized cell bodies and P2X3 receptor in middle- and-small-sized neurons. The co-localization of P2X2/IB4, P2X3/IB4 in sensory neurons was abundant. About ( 91.1 ± 4.7 ) % ( nodose ganglia ) , ( 78.8±2.4 ) % ( petrosal ganglia ) , ( 76.8 ±2.7 ) % ( jugular ganglia) were P2X2 positive neurons, and (77.0 ±3.2 ) % ( nodose ganglia) , (91.2±3.9% ( petrosal ganglia ) , 78.4 ± 3.6% ( jugular ganglia) of P2X3 positive neurons showed binding of the IB4. Some P2X2 immunoreactive neurons co-stained with calrerinin in nodose ( 8.9±1.6% ) , petrosal ( 7.7 ±1.4% ), and jugular (9.1 ±1. 1% ) ganglia. A very small number of P2X2/calrctinin/IB4 triple-labeled neurons were observed, but P2X3/calretinin double labeling or P2X3/calretinin/IB4 triple labeling cells were rare. The present findings revealed the extensive co-localization of P2X2. and P2X3 subunits with IB4 and co-existence of part of P2X2 receptor with calretinin in glossopharyngeal and vagal sensory ganglia.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy