COFDM技术是一种多载波数字通信技术。他是较为完备的移动接收和传输技术,可以大大降低每个子载波内的符号间干扰,节省了用于均衡的系统开销。对欧洲数字地面广播标准DVB T中的COFDM(编码的正交频分复用)调制方式进行了研究,阐述了COFDM技术的基本原理,并且介绍了其适合应用于地面数字电视广播系统的主要特性。
COFDM is a digital communication technique of multi-carriers. It is a mature receiving and transmitting technique, which can lower the interference of symbol in each carrier and economize the system expense used for balance. The paper researches the modulation way of CODFM in DVB - T system, expatiates the rationale of COFDM, and introduces its characteristic which suitable to the digital television terrestrial broadcasting system.
Modern Electronics Technique