
人工椎间盘置换术后下腰椎椎管及神经根管改变的初步临床研究 被引量:3

The Changes of Intervertebral Space,Vertebral Canal,Nerve Root Canal and Clinical Meanings after Artificial Disc Replacement
摘要 目的探讨人工椎间盘(artificialdiscreplacement,ADR)植入后,下腰椎神经根管、椎管的径线及容积改变,以其为合理的ADR植入提供临床依据。方法7例腰椎间盘突出症分别行ADR置换,观察术后JOA与ODI评分、椎间隙活动度、椎间孔径线改变以及椎间孔、椎管的容积变化。结果ADR术后JOA与ODI评分明显改善,椎间隙与椎管径线与容积显著增加,腰椎节段的稳定性与功能恢复。结论人工椎间盘植入后不仅能改善患者的临床症状,而且能有效地恢复椎管及神经根管径线与容积。目的探讨人工椎间盘(artificialdiscreplacement,ADR)植入后,下腰椎神经根管、椎管的径线及容积改变,以其为合理的ADR植入提供临床依据。方法7例腰椎间盘突出症分别行ADR置换,观察术后JOA与ODI评分、椎间隙活动度、椎间孔径线改变以及椎间孔、椎管的容积变化。结果ADR术后JOA与ODI评分明显改善,椎间隙与椎管径线与容积显著增加,腰椎节段的稳定性与功能恢复。结论人工椎间盘植入后不仅能改善患者的临床症状,而且能有效地恢复椎管及神经根管径线与容积。 Objective To investigate the changes of intervertebral space, vertebral canal, nerve root canal and the clinical meanings after artificial disc replacement for justifying the artificial disc replacement (ADR). Methods Seven patients with prolapse of the lumbar intervertebral disc underwent ADR. The observation comprised the postoperative Japanese orthopedic association (JOA) scoring and Oswestry disability index (ODI) scoring, clinical assessment, the intervertebral movement, and the change of the longitudinal line of the intervertebral foramen as well as the changes of the volume of the intervertebral foramen and the spinal canal. Results The scores of JOA and ODI as well as the intervertebral space and the volume of the nerve root canal and vertebral canal were significantly increased. The stability and the function of the lumbar spine were recovered. Conclusion ADR not only can improve the symptoms of patients, but also can restore the longitudinal line and the volume of the intervertebral canal and the nerve root canal effectively.
出处 《中国骨与关节损伤杂志》 2006年第4期256-258,共3页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Injury
基金 广东省医学科学技术研究基金(WSTJJ20021028440102196606083210) 深圳市科技基金(200404073)
关键词 下腰椎 椎间隙高度 椎管容积 神经根管 人工椎间盘置换 Lower lumbar vertebrae Intervertebral space Volume of vertebral canal Artificial disc replacement
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