Carbohydrates are an important component of the diet. The carbohydrates that we ingest range from simple monosaccharides (glucose, fructose and galactose) to disaccharides (lactose, sucrose) to complex polysaccharides. Most carbohydrates are digested by salivary and pancreatic amylases, and are further broken down into monosaccharides by enzymes in the brush border membrane (BBM) of enterocytes. For example, lactase-phloridzin hydrolase and sucraseisomaltase are two disaccharidases involved in the hydrolysis of nutritionally important disaccharides. Once monosaccharides are presented to the BBM, mature enterocytes expressing nutrient transporters transport the sugars into the enterocytes. This paper reviews the early studies that contributed to the development of a working model of intestinal sugar transport, and details the recent advances made in understanding the process by which sugars are absorbed in the intestine.
糖类是食谱的一个重要部件。我们摄取的糖类从简单单音的糖类(葡萄糖, fructose 和半乳糖)到 disaccharides (乳糖,蔗糖) 到复杂多糖。大多数糖类被消化由唾液并且胰淀粉酶,并且被酶进一步在 enterocytes 的刷状缘膜(BBM ) 划分成单音的糖类。例如, lactase-phloridzin 水疗院放射激光并且 sucrase-isomaltase 是涉及营养的水解作用的二 disaccharidases 结盟重要 disaccharides。一旦单音的糖类被介绍给 BBM,表示滋养的运输 ers 的成熟 enterocytes 搬运糖进 enterocytes。这篇论文考察贡献了肠的糖运输的一个工作模型的开发的早研究,并且详细说明在理解糖由全神贯注于肠的进程做的最近的进展。