

Travelling Wave Solutions of a Nonlocal Single Species Model with Discrete Delay
摘要 研究了一类具有离散时滞的非局部单物种种群模型的行波解的存在性,证明了当时滞充分小时,方程具有连接两个平衡点的单调行波解。 To concern the existence of monotonic traveling wave solutions in a nonlocal single species population model with diffusion and discrete delay, and show that for sufficiently small delay, equation admits a monotonic travelling wave solution which connects two uniform steady states, and obtains some new results.
出处 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2006年第2期7-9,共3页 Journal of Xianyang Normal University
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(3ZS042-B25-013) 甘肃省教育厅科研基金资助项目(0416B-08及048-02)
关键词 非局部 行波解 上下解 单物种模型 nonlocal traveling wave solution super- and sub-solution single species model
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