
论日内瓦会议后美国与柬埔寨关系的演变(1954-1960) 被引量:2

The Transformation of US - Cambodian Relations after the Geneva Conference, 1954 - 1960
摘要 本文详细考察了1954-1960年间美国与东南亚小国柬埔寨之间的关系演变历程。独立后的柬埔寨,一度对美国怀有好感,希望通过获得美国的经济、军事援助来发展本国经济、维护国家的安全与独立。美国虽愿意对柬埔寨进行援助,但是其根本目的却是要将柬埔寨融入到美国在东南亚编织的反共体系中。随着时间的推移,双方在美援根本目标上的分歧与矛盾逐渐显露并激化。美国无法容忍柬埔寨独立、自主的中立路线,试图通过削减美援、甚至策划政变的方式改变柬埔寨的外交政策。然而,美国并未达到目标,相反使一度对美国怀有好感的柬埔寨走向自己的对立面。美柬关系的演变对研究这一时期美国与其他新兴独立的中小国家间的关系具有重要的参考和启发意义。 This article focuses on the transformation of US -Cambodian relations during the period of 1954 - 1960. After Cambodia won its independence from France, it soon turned its eyes to the US for economic and military aids so as to develop national economy and maintain national independence and security. Though willing to provide aids to Cambodia, the fundamental purpose of the US is to wedge Cambodia into the anti -communist camp it had woven in the Southeast Asia. As time passed by, the divergence and conflict of purposes as to US aids to Cam- bodia emerged and intensified. The US couldn't put up with Cambodia's independent and neutral foreign policy, regarded the latter's foreign policy as "evil and immoral" and tried hard to change it by means of reducing aids and even plotting coups. The US didn't succeed but drived Cambodia further on its way to neutrality. As a result, the relationship between the US and Cambodia deteriorated. The transformation of US - Cambodia relations has important reflexive implications for the relations between the US and other newly - independent small countries during the Cold War period.
作者 韦宗友
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期35-41,87,共8页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 美国外交 中立政策 美柬关系 US Foreign Policy, Neutral Policy, US- Cambodian Relations
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  • 1John Lewis Gaddis, Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy,New York: Oxford University Press, 1982, p. 154.
  • 2《印度支那问题文件汇编》,世界知识出版社,1959年,第97页.
  • 3Robert F. Randle, Geneva 1954: the Settlement of the Indochinese War, N.J. : Princeton University Press,1969, p. 557,555,556.
  • 4资中筠主编.《战后美国外交史》,世界知识出版社,1993年,第287页.
  • 5Roger M. Smith, Cambodia's Foreign Policy, Ithaca: Cornel University Press, 1965, p. 46,pp.73-74,p.83,92,94,140-141,155-156,100-101.
  • 6FRUS, 1952- 1954, Vol. 13, p. 1578,1673-1674,2053-2054,1676,1886,1800,pp.1900-1903,1967-1972,2061-2065,2088-2089,p.2120,505.
  • 7Malcolm Caldwell and Lek Tan, Cambodia in the Southeast Asian War, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1973,p. 92,108.
  • 8FRUS, 1955 - 1957, Vol. 21, pp. 413 -415,417-418,500-501,p.516,523,527,pp.532-535,p.573,565.
  • 9Chang Pao-min, Kampuchea Between China and Vietnam, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1985, p. 97.
  • 10Wilfred G. Burchett, Mekong Upstream, Hanoi :Red River Publishing House, 1957, pp. 168 - 169.










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