

Social Impacts of China's Urban Housing Reform
摘要 市场经济体制改革以来,中国城市的外在形象和内部结构都发生了巨大的变化。住房市场化为普通居民提供了选择住房的机会。但是,并不是所有的百姓都从住房再分配中受益。中国城市中的住房再分配与居民在政府再分配和市场回报之间的位置联系密切,这种联系超过了成熟市场中因生活圈及其改变衍生出的住房需求。本文研究了宁波老城再开发地段当地居民的满意度,着重从社会方面分析,主要涉及住房再分配对居民的影响及其导致的潜在住房问题。研究以一份调查问卷为基础,调查了在过去15年内三个不同时期进行改造的社区。调查数据表明三个社区的满意度都不高。由于各阶层人们的努力,保护老城内综合环境的同时也要提高当地居民生活质量的新策略被采纳。然而,为改变人们的观念还有很多工作要做:通过报纸获得信息和教育,通过学术旅行和会议进行学术讨论,对决策人进行汇报,进行小规模改善的实践。住宅搬迁正在成为有争议的话题。因此,住宅再分配是市场体制下城市空间改变的一种过程。 Since the market-oriented economy reforming, China has experienced significant changes in urban landscapes and the internal structure of cities. Housing marketization provides an opportunity for households to choose their residences. However, not all households benefit equally from residential relocation. Residential relocation in urban China has a stronger association with the household's position within the spectram from state redistribution to market reward than with life cycles and consequent adjustment of housing demand which are the primary reasons for residential mobility in a mature market economy. This research studies contentment of original residents in the redeveloped inner city of Ningbo. We focuses on social aspects, mainly relating to the impact of relocation on residents and the resultant potential housing problem. The research is based on a questionnaire survey that was conducted in three neighborhoods redeveloped at different time periods in the past fifteen years. The survey data suggests an overall low level of contentment across all three neighborhoods. The findings suggest that new strategy of conservation the integrated environment of the old city while still improving the living condition for its residents can be heard due to the efforts of many people at various positions. Yet, lots of things need to be done to change people's ideas: information and education through newspapers, academic discussion through aca- demic journals and conferences, reports to decision makers, practice of small scale improvement. Residential displacement is now becoming a contentious issue. As such, residential relocation is a process that differentiates urban space under market transition.
作者 巴笑夫 董卫
机构地区 东南大学建筑系
出处 《现代城市研究》 2006年第5期78-84,共7页 Modern Urban Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:50238010)
关键词 住区选择 城市更新 传统住区 住房改革 中国 residential location choice urban renewal traditional urban areas
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