
全球化时代的挑战与国际法院的咨询管辖权——纪念国际法院成立60周年 被引量:2

Challenges in the Era of Globalization and Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice——To Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the International Court of Justice
摘要 国际社会在历经威斯特伐里亚体系时期和国际社会组织化时期之后进入了全球化时代。这一时代给国际法提出了如下挑战如何应对国际法的碎裂和国际性法庭大量增多两大现象。作为维护国际社会公正的权威司法部门,国际法院必须对此做出反应。考虑到法院诉讼管辖权的局限,充分利用国际法院的咨询管辖权应该才是国际社会应对全球化所带来的挑战的最佳方法。与此同时,鉴于既往的经验,充分利用咨询管辖权必须坚持正确的理念。 After the periods of Westphalian System and institutionalized international cooperation, the intemational community has entered the era of globalization. This era has put forward some challenges to the whole world, namely, how to deal with the breakage of international law and the increase of international tribunals. As the judicial authority to maintain the justice in the international community, the international court of justice must make some response to the situation. Considering its limits in judicial jurisdiction, full use of its advisory jurisdiction shall be the best way to respond to these challenges. Meanwhile, in light of past experience, right principles must be adhered to when resorting to its advisory jurisdiction.
作者 刘芳雄
出处 《云南大学学报(法学版)》 2006年第2期115-119,共5页 Jorunal of Yunan University Law Edition
关键词 全球化 国际法院 咨询管辖权 Globalization International Court of Justice Advisory jurisdiction
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  • 1陈致中 李斐南译.马克斯·普朗比较公法及国际法研究所,《国际公法百科全书》[M].中山大学出版社,1989年版.第101-105页.
  • 2See Jonathan I. Charney, the impact on the international legal system of the growth of international courts and tribunals, source : lexis > legal > secondary legal > law review > &journals > us&Canadian law reviews, Combined.
  • 3熊玠.《无政府主义与世界秩序》[M].浙江人民出版社,2001年版.第91-105页.
  • 4See M. C. W. Pinto, The Court and Other International Tribunals, in Increasing the Effectiveness of the International Court of Justice:Proceeding of the ICJ/UNITAR Colloquium to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Court 280,283.
  • 5.《国际法院规约》第59规定[Z].,..
  • 6Id. Pinto,Supra note 9,at 313.
  • 7Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in Nicaragua (Nicar. v. U. S. ) 1986 I. C. J(June 27,1986), at 86.
  • 8See Pierre - Marie Dupuy ,The Danger of Fragmentation or Unification of the International Legal System and the International Court of Justice ,31 N .Y. U .J. &Po1.797(1999) :See Generally Loizidou v. turkey,23 Eur. Ct. H.R. 512 (1996).
  • 9李薇薇.《国际法院概论》[M].陕西人民出版社,1995年版.第16-21页.
  • 10陈治世.《国际法院》[M].台北商务印书馆,1982年版.第38页.



  • 1范明志.构想出来的和平——国际法院概览[J].山东审判,2003,19(3):91-94. 被引量:1
  • 2陈隆志.《台湾加入WHO的新战略:申请为会员国,不是观察员》[J].新世纪智库论坛,2006,(33).
  • 3林文成 林正义.《台湾参与WHO策略检讨》[J].国策专刊,2001,(9).
  • 4David Sloss, Using International Court of Justice Advisory Opinions to Adjudicate Secessionist Claims, 42 Santa Clara L. Rev. 357 (2002) .
  • 5姜皇池.《参与WHO之检讨--从国际法角度观察》[J].国策专刊,2002,(7).
  • 6李明峻.《以“卫生实体”参与WHO的国际法》[J].国策专刊,2002,(7).
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  • 8Concerning Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (Belg. V. Spain.) , 1970 I.C.J. 4, 47 (Jul. 18) .
  • 9Concerning Military and Paramilirary in and against Nicaragua (Nicar. V. U.S.) , Provisional Measures, 1984 I.C.J. 169, 197 (May 10) (Schwebel, J., Dissenting) .
  • 10See The “Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict” Case, Advisory Opinion, para. 18.









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