
大鼠SR-BI胞外域与ApoA-I蛋白相互作用的确认 被引量:1

Verification the Interaction of Apolipoprotein AI and the Extracellular Domain of Scavenger Receptors Class B Type I
摘要 先以含全长SR-BIcDNA序列的重组质粒pMD18-T-rS为摸板进行PCR反应扩增SR-BI得到胞外域cDNA片段,经测序证明正确后,定向克隆到酵母双杂交表达载体,然后与pGBKT7-ApoA-I质粒共转化酵母细胞,通过报告基因及酵母交配试验确认了SR-BI的胞外域部分和ApoA-I之间的确存,观察到ApoA-I与SR-BI胞外域间的相互作用力比与全长的SR-BI间的相互作用力提高了10%。 In this paper, the DNA fragment rSE was amplified by PCR using the recombinant plasmids pMD18- T-rS (containing the hole lines of cDNA of SR-BI) as template. Then the PCR product was directionally cloned into the yeast two hybrid express vector pGADT7 after it was confirmed with sequencing. The recombined vector (named pGADTT-rSE) and pGBKTT-ApoA-Ⅰ vector was cotransformed in yeast strain AH109. We identified the interaction of APOA-Ⅰ and rSE by using report genes and yeast mating, At last, we obsevered that the interaction of APOA-Ⅰ and rSE is about 10% more than that of ApoA-Ⅰ and SR-BI of rat.
出处 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期68-73,共6页 Microbiology China
基金 中国科学院"百人计划"项目资助 2001年"西部之光"项目资助
关键词 载脂蛋白AI(ApoA-Ⅰ) B族I型清道夫受体(SR-BI) SR-BI胞外域 基因克隆 酵母双杂交 Apolipoprotein AI ( ApoAⅠ), Scavenger receptor class B type Ⅰ ( SR-BI), Extracellular domain of SR-BI, Gene clone, Yeast two hybrid
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