
网络组织及其惯例的形成——基于演化论的视角 被引量:41

Formation of Network Organization and Its Routines——Based on the Views of the Evolutionary Theory
摘要 本文基于演化理论,构建了一个关于网络组织形成的动态模型。利用演化博弈论研究了网络组织内成员间关系和作用机制的形成过程。认为网络组织的形成是搜寻正收益的理性个体进行自发博弈的结果,基于网络组织成员之间反复行为的历史信息的反馈,形成了网络组织层面上的惯例机制,该惯例机制表现为一种运作机制和惯性作用,维持网络组织处于某一状态。 Based on the evolutionary theory,we construct a dynamic model about the formation of network organization. By using the evolutionary game theory,we study the process of formation about the relationship between the members of network organization,and the operation mechanism. We think that the formation of network organization is a result of spontaneous gaming of members that are always searching the possible profit. Based on information about the past repeated actions between the members of the network organization,forms the routine mechanism in the level of network organization,which reflects a operation mechanism and an inertia effect maintaining the network organization in some state.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期52-58,共7页 China Industrial Economics
关键词 演化论 网络组织 惯例 形成 the evolutionary theory network organization routine formation
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