

Growth of Ornamental Plants in Two Composts Prepared from Agroindustrial Wastes
摘要 由工农业废料配制的两种堆肥作为试验用的基质:C1——酿造啤酒等废料(酵母和麦芽)加修剪下的柠檬树枝;C2——橄榄研磨厂废水的固体级分加橄榄树叶。以每种堆肥与泥炭藓泥炭或商品基质(CS)按不同的比例混合,可配制成16种基质。尽管基质的物理和理化特性例如总孔隙度和电导率(EC)都是合适的,但由堆肥提供的养分(氮和钾)释放缓慢,对金盏花发育的影响尤为明显。另一方面,由于对盐分含量敏感,EC和氯化物浓度是影响蒲包草生长的主要因素。为供金盏花发育的适宜的基质可以通过含量高达75%C1与泥炭或高达50%C1与CS混合,以及高达50%C2与泥炭或CS混合使用。对蒲包花来说,基质中堆肥比例应较低,可用50%C1与泥炭或CS混合,也可以用25%C2与泥炭或CS混合使用。因此,只要基质至少含有25%的泥炭或CS,源于工农业废料的堆肥可作为培育观赏植物的泥炭和CS的替代品。 Two composts prepared from agroindustrial wastes were assayed as substrates: Cl from brewing waste (yeast and malt) plus lemon tree prunings; and C2 from the solid fraction of olive mill wastewater plus olive leaves. Sixteen substrates were prepared by combining each compost with Sphagnum peat or a commercial substrate (CS) in different proportions. The nutrients (N and K) provided by the composts, which acted as slow-release fertilizers, influenced especially the development of calendula, although the physical and physico-chemical properties such as total pore space and electrical conductivity (EC) were also relevant. On the other hand, in the salt-sensitive calceolaria hybrid, EC and chloride concentration were the main factors influencing growth. Adequate substrates for the development of calendula can be prepared by mixing C1 at up to 75% with peat or at up to 50% with CS, and C2at up to 50% with peat or CS. For calceolaria, the substrate should have a lower proportion of compost, C1 at up to 50% and C2 at up to 25%, both mixed with peat or CS. Therefore, composts of agroindustrial origin such as these can be used as an alternative to peat and CS for growing ornamental plants, provided the mixture contains at least 25% peat or CS.
出处 《腐植酸》 2006年第2期42-48,共7页 Humic Acid
关键词 堆肥 基质 工农业废料 观赏植物 含盐量 compost substrate agroindustrial waste ornamental plant salinity
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