
新型高效率二次谐波宽带可调复合互作用回旋管 被引量:2

A New Type of Highly Efficient, Second Harmonic, Broadband Tunable Gyrotron Device Utilizing a Hybrid Interaction Scheme
摘要 该文利用回旋管注-波模式耦合理论,提出了返波振荡-速调群聚-行波放大复合互作用回旋管工作原理。理论分析表明,Ka波段二次谐波连续磁调谐复合互作用回旋管的工作效率高达40%,磁调谐带宽为10%。利用该复合互作用工作原理,回旋管振荡器可实现毫米波电磁辐射源的高效率、高功率输出及宽频带连续磁调谐。 Based on the beam-wave mode-coupling theory, a principle of gyrotron device utilizing a hybrid interaction scheme of Backward-Wave Oscillator, Klystron Ballistic-Bunching and Traveling-Wave Tube (Gyro-BWO-KBB-TWT) is presented in this paper. Theoretical analysis of a Ka-band second harmonic tunable gyro-BWO-KBB-TWT indicates that the device efficiency of 40% and magnetic tuning bandwidth of 10% are achieved. A gyrotron oscillator employing the hybrid interaction scheme can realize highly efficient, high-power output and broadband continuous magnetic tuning in millimeter wave band.
作者 刘本田
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期760-764,共5页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 中国科学院知识创新项目资金资助课题
关键词 回旋返波管 回旋速调管 回旋行波管 宽带连续磁调谐 毫米波 Gyro-BWO, Gyroklystron, Gyro-TWT, Broadband magnetic tuning, Millimeter wave
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