In recent years, serious reed fires occurred in Zhalong Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Provincein China. From 19th to 28th of March 2005, 12 fires occurred in Zhalong Nature Reserve, and the firesspread to Qiqihaer City, Duerberte Mongolian Autonomous County, Lindian County and Daqing City.The burned area was about 18 666 ha. Meteorological factor was the leading factor of its fire environmentin Zhalong Nature Reserve, which came into being for a long time. Long-term drought and shortage of rainmade the reed and meadow withered and yellow and thus greatly reduced the water content of witheredfallen leaves and humus. Much fuel was accumulated and became dry, thus forming the fire environment.Fires in Zhalong Nature Reserve were mainly strong surface fires accompanied by the spread of undergroundfire. It was extremely easy for reed to burn and spread very quickly. Once a fire broke out, it could spreadrapidly to a scene of large fire area, and sometimes it could burn for a long time. Due to lack of correctunderstanding of the wetland fire and inconvenient wetland traffic, it was unable to find and put outwetland fire in time to save life and property early.
In recent years, serious reed fires occurred in Zhalong Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Province in China. From 19th to 28th of March 2005, 12 fires occurred in Zhalong Nature Reserve, and the fires spread to Qiqihaer City, Duerberte Mongolian Autonomous County, Lindian County and Daqing City. The burned area was about 18 666 ha. Meteorological factor was the leading factor of its fire environment in Zhalong Nature Reserve, which came into being for a long time. Long-term drought and shortage of rain made the reed and meadow withered and yellow and thus greatly reduced the water content of withered fallen leaves and humus. Much fuel was accumulated and became dry, thus forming the fire environment. Fires in Zhalong Nature Reserve were mainly strong surface fires accompanied by the spread of underground fire. It was extremely easy for reed to burn and spread very quickly. Once a fire broke out, it could spread rapidly to a scene of large fire area, and sometimes it could burn for a long time. Due to lack of correct understanding of the wetland fire and inconvenient wetland traffic, it was unable to find and put out wetland fire in time to save life and property early.
Supported by the China NKBRSF Project(No.2001CB409600) and Key Technologies R&D Programme(2006-2010)