
微量白蛋白尿对冠心病危险的预测价值 被引量:1

Value of Microalbuminuria in Predicting the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
摘要 目的:探讨微量白蛋白尿(MA)对冠心病危险的预测价值。方法:连续入选2004年11月至2005年8月在我院心血管中心住院的320例拟诊冠心病并行冠状动脉造影的患者,对所有患者进行病史采集、常规化验检查,并在入院48小时内测其尿白蛋白滤过率(UAER)。结果:UAER正常低值组、正常高值组、MA组合并三个及以上冠心病危险因素的比例分别是37.6%、51.5%、58%(P<0.05)。MA(UAER≥20μg/min)和UAER≥10μg/min与冠心病发病的OR值分别为 2.12(P<0.01,95%CI:1.19-3.77)和1.69(P<0.05,95%CI:1.01-2.83)。结论:MA是独立于性别、年龄、吸烟、高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常的冠心病的独立危险因素,且在传统定义以下时危险性已增加;UAER越高组合并三个及以上冠心病危险因素的比例越高,检测UAER有助于识别冠心病高危人群。 Objective:To investigate the value of microalbuminuria(MA) in predicting the risk of coronary heart disease(CHD). Methods: We continuously selected 320 patients who were assumed CHD(2004.11 - 2005.8) . All patients underwent coronary artery angiography, UAER and hemostatie factors evaluation in addition to history collection.Results: The proportion with three or morn risk factors was 37.6%,51.5% ,58%(P 〈0.05) when UAER was at the low-nomad level,high- normal level and MA.The risk ratio of CHD morbidity was 2.12(P 〈 0.01,95%CI: 1.19- 3.77)and 1.69(P 〈 0.05,95% CI: 1.01 - 2.83)when UAER was ≥ 20μg/min and ≥10μg/min.Conclusion: MA was the risk factor of CHD independent of sex, age, smoking, hypertention,diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia. The risk of CHD had already increased when MA was below the traditional definition. ~ higher UAER, the more risk factors of CHD. UAER was useful in identifying the high risk people of CHD.
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2006年第2期83-84,87,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 微量白蛋白尿 尿白蛋白滤过率 冠心病 危险因素 Microalbuminuria Urinary albumin exretion rate Coronary artery disease Risk factors
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