目的:本研究在于分析低龄急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者血脂代谢异常的特点。方法:入选2001年10月-2004年12 月在我院收治的非糖尿病AMI患者230例,按年龄分组:年龄<55岁(I组),共78人;年龄≥55岁(Ⅱ组),共152人。测定血CHO、LDL-C、HDL-C、TG及CK、CK-MB峰值。结果:I组患者HDL-C[(34.8±7.61)mg/dL vs(40.0±13.6) mg/dL,P=0.032]水平明显低于Ⅱ组,有显著的统计学意义。TG水平却完全相反,I组明显高于Ⅱ组[(144.01±80.8) mg/dL vs(113.79±60.6)mg/dL,P=0.002],也有显著的统计学意义。LDL-C[(110.6±32.9)mg/dL vs(108.39± 32.13)mg/dL,P=0.597]和TC[(176.88±37.97)mg/dL vs(175.78±39.11)mg/dL,P=0.864]水平两组间没有显著性差异。讨论:所有入选的心肌梗死患者均为非糖尿病患者,其HDL-C均值都低于60mg/dL的水平,而且在I组中患者 HDL-C的水平较Ⅱ组更低,不到40mg/dL,同时与Ⅱ组相比TG水平偏高。非糖尿病急性心肌梗死患者血脂代谢紊乱在不同的年龄存在着不同的特点;年轻患者的血脂紊乱以低HDL-C和高甘油三酯为特点;分析原因考虑年轻患者与老龄患者生活方式的不同所致的饮食差异有关。结论:年轻非糖尿病AMI患者血脂代谢紊乱的特点与老年患者相比HDL- C更低而TG较高,两组LDL没有明显差异。
Objective:In this study we try to find characteristic of dyslipidemia of young (group Ⅰ, 〈 55ys)and old(group Ⅱ, ≥55ys) patient.Methods: Intota1230AMIpatients,without DM,therewere78patientsingroupⅠ,152patientsin groupⅡ. SerumCHO,TG, LCL- C, HDL - C levels were analyzed at Admission.Results: Patients in group Ⅰ HDL - C level was significantly lower than the group Ⅱ [(34.8± 7.61)mg/dL vs (40.0± 13.6)mg/dL,P = 0.002],and the level of TG was significantly higher compared with the group Ⅱ[(144.01±80.8) mg/ dLvs (113.79±60.6) mg/ dL, P=0.002] . Tholevel of LDL-C[(110.6±32.9) mg/ dL vs (108.39± 32.13) mg/dL, P = 0. 597land TC[ (176.88± 37.97) mg/dL vs (175.78 ± 39.11) ng/dL, P = 0. 864]had no statistical difference between the two groups. Conclusion: In our study HDL - C level of all patients was less than 60mg/dL, young group patients even less than 40mg/dL, at the same time compsnied with higher TG level. Different life style and diet might be the reason. So lower HDL- C level and higher TG level might be characteristic of the patients with AMI who were younger than 55 years old.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide