

Construction and Application of siRNA Library in Mammalian Cells
摘要 双链小干扰RNA(siRNA)在多种类型细胞中介导特异性的基因沉默,这一现象的发现为深入研究单个基因的功能提供了重要的方法学基础,从而得到了广泛的应用.最近的文献报道了全基因组siRNA库的建立,为高通量基因功能分析和研究提供了新的方法,成为新的研究热点.小干扰RNA库可以用来筛选和研究介导细胞复杂表型和生物学过程的关键基因,通过建立一系列具有目的表型的细胞系,有可能对特定细胞信号调节通路进行更为全面的解析.本文综述了目前在siRNA建库方法方面的进展,并探讨了建立小干扰RNA库中的关键问题. The discovery that siRNA can direct gene-specific silencing in both model organisms and mammalian cells through RNA interference has provided a valuable platform for dissecting the function of independent genes. Recently the generation of large-scale RNAi library has provided a unique opportunity to perform high-throughput genetics in these complex cell systems. It also allows for the identification of known and novel genes involved in complex cellular phenotypes and biological processes. It is expected that siRNA library will be a useful tool in cancer research to discover and analyze genes that regulate various biological pathways of cancer. In this review, we summarized the reported techniques for constructing siRNA library, and further elucidated some key points such as resources, expression pattern and introduction into mammalian ceils during the construction of siRNA library.
出处 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期278-281,共4页 Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.30400541)资助~~
关键词 小干扰RNA 基因沉默 小干扰RNA库 哺乳动物细胞 siRNA gene silencing siRNA library mammalian cell
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